Martin Fischler

After six years of agricultural research in Eastern Africa, Martin Fischler joined Helvetas in 1997 to work as advisor in rural development projects in Central America and Bolivia. Back at head office since 2005 he has been Programme Coordinator for Eastern Africa (Ethiopia, Tanzania and Mozambique), and Senior Advisor for Sustainable Agriculture, focusing on food security, natural resource management, rural advisory services and impact assessments. In 2009, he led the ex-post impact assessment of the renown “Postcosecha” Programme implemented in Central America and funded by SDC for 20 years. Since then he has been engaged in the design and advisory of different postharvest interventions at Helvetas. Martin studied Agronomy at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich and obtained his PhD there in natural sciences with field work conducted on soil fertility with the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) in Uganda.