The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), in collaboration with implementers Helvetas and Itad, created AVANTI – Advancing Knowledge for Agricultural Impact. From 2018 to 2022, AVANTI facilitated self-assessment of countries’ results-based management (RBM) capacities in tracking Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the agricultural and rural development sectors. The initiative was implemented in 13 countries. AVANTI’s work in-country centered on the AG-Scan self-assessment methodology and aimed to strengthen government abilities to support evidence-based decision-making and reporting through monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL). This methodology was used to assess capacities across the following five pillars: Leadership, Monitoring & Evaluation, Accountability and Partnerships, Planning and Budgeting, and Statistics.

You will find a variety of resources on this page produced through the AVANTI initiative, from descriptions of the AG-Scan methodology, to summaries of specific AG-Scans, to analytical pieces relating to particular issues arising from AVANTI implementation.

AVANTI Documents