© Helvetas / Simon B.Opladen

Inspiring entrepreneurship

Every year, 850,000 young women and men in Tanzania enter the labour market. This supply of labour stands in stark contrast to the 40,000 formal jobs available. The YES project gives young women and men the opportunity to undertake short training courses that supports them as they begin working life.
© Helvetas / Simon B.Opladen


Annual reports, thematic publications and a lot more

Our Projects in Tanzania

... and worldwide

About the Helvetas country program in Tanzania

Helvetas Tanzania is part of a network of independent development organizations. With head offices in Switzerland, Germany and the USA, Helvetas is working in 29 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. We bring about real change in the lives of over three million disadvantaged people every year. We implement development projects in the areas of water and sanitation, agriculture and nutrition, education, economic development, democracy and peace, and climate and the environment. Helvetas also provides emergency response after disasters.

Since the 1970 Helvetas in Tanzania has been promoting improvement of basic education and skills development, access to quality services and inclusive economic development and good governance to promote local development. Using a systemic approach, we collaborate with actors from government, civil society and private sector.

See the latest Tanzania Country Strategy 2023-2027.

Projects in Tanzania

Our topics in Tanzania


Education and Vocational Skills

Lack of education perpetuates inequality because poor countries cannot compete economically without a skilled workforce.

Private Sector Development

Youth need access to reliable, fairly paid jobs to break the cycle of poverty. Helvetas creates partnerships and promotes policies that build more inclusive economies.

Gender & Social Equity

Helvetas promotes policies, strategies and interventions which address structural causes of inequality, inequity and injustice, faced by in particular women, and underserved, marginalized or at-risk individuals and groups.

Learning & Innovation

Building the capacities of staff and partners to effectively share what they know, to learn together and create effective solutions is crucial to our success.

Multimedia Stories from our Partner Countries

Benin’s Urban Farmers

Find out how the cultivation of organic vegetables has changed the daily life of many small farmers in Benin for the better.

Where the Sun Pumps the Water

How the construction of a solar pump has made life easier for the people of a small village in Mali.

Yezina Overcomes Every Hurdle

Yezina won't let her handicap stop her. She wants to become a successful seamstress who decides her own life.