
Fostering youth entrepreneurship

The rural and peri-urban youth hardly have access to formal training and do not benefit from economic growth, due to limited access to skills development and support services for (self) employment. The SIM! project aims to empower youth integration into the labour market and self-employment in northern Mozambique.


Annual reports, thematic publications and a lot more

About the Helvetas country program in Mozambique

Helvetas Mozambique is part of a network of independent development organizations. With head offices in Switzerland, Germany and the USA, Helvetas is working in 30 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. We bring about real change in the lives of over three million disadvantaged people every year. We implement development projects in the areas of water and sanitation, agriculture and nutrition, education, economic development, democracy and peace, and climate and the environment. Helvetas also provides emergency response after disasters.

Projects in Mozambique

Multimedia Stories 

Leveraging youth potential to curb unemployment

The training, is part of the HOJE project (Habilidades mais Oportunidade resulta em Jovem com Emprego), implemented by HELVETAS Mozambique.

"Drinking water without fear" - Alima Mussa

The feeling expressed above is shared by several members of the communities that have benefited, for the first time, from water points in the administrative posts of Ancuabe Sede, Meza and i

Charity:water and HELVETAS strengthen programmatic partnership

From May 28th to June 3rd, 2022, Charity:water carried out a programmatic visit to HELVETAS Mozambique, in order to, among other strategic objectives, understand the activities developed and

SANTOLIC: communities vigilant on harmful sanitation practices to achieve LIFECA status

The IDP Wash project (Improved Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services for IDPs and their host families) in Cabo Delgado province, triggered by HELVETAS Mozambique is positively contributing

Communities sensitized to Good Menstrual Hygiene Management

On May 28th 2022, HELVETAS Mozambique held a Campaign for Social and Behavioral Change for the adoption of Good Management Practices for Menstrual Hygiene, with the objective of combating th

Youth and Training Providers trained in Entrepreneurship and Business Management

At least 100 young people (of which 50 are women) and 20 service providers (artisan) from Nampula and Niassa provinces were trained last April in entrepreneurship and small business manageme

45 years later, Catarina is empowered to speak up on menstruation

Catarina Luis, 45 years old, has been a resident of the community of Noele/Namapa for 31 years. She lives with her husband and has seven children, three boys and four girls.

AMCANE - tackling pests and diseases to ensure food security

The year 2021 was marked by the beginning of the commercial production process of the EM2/Biospray is currently the great alternative to the shortage of biological products for the treatment
© Helvetas

Two Stories, One Dream

Domingas Adelino and Alzira Casimiro are two young women that have been trained in the culinary field.
© Helvetas

"The joy that was missing to us all"

The water supply system is improving living conditions in Northern Mozambique.
© Helvetas

An Exemplary Water and Sanitation Committee for Good Water Sources Management

The Natuco Water and Sanitation Committee was selected the best water and sanitation committee of Mecufi District in Cabo Delgado Province of Northern Mozambique.
© Helvetas

The kit that brought dignity to families in Natuco

In Natuco, several houses have been damaged and are still posing bad living conditions.

Our topics in Mozambique

© Helvetas / Simon B. Opladen

WASH & Water Governance

The most vulnerable communities of the world suffer from dirty water. Every year, we support up to 500,000 people in getting access to clean drinking water and sanitary facilities.

Climate & Disaster Resilience

Every year, we support over 1,000,000 people in adapting to climate change, reducing the risks of disasters, sustainably managing natural resources, and conserving nature.

Private Sector Development

Youth need access to reliable, fairly paid jobs to break the cycle of poverty. Helvetas creates partnerships and promotes policies that build more inclusive economies.

Education and Vocational Skills

Lack of education perpetuates inequality because poor countries cannot compete economically without a skilled workforce.

Humanitarian Response

In recent years there has been a global rise in disasters. Earthquakes, droughts, floods and cyclones turn years of development progress to dust overnight.

Gender & Social Equity

Helvetas promotes policies, strategies and interventions which address structural causes of inequality, inequity and injustice, faced by in particular women, and underserved, marginalized or at-risk individuals and groups.