Inequality is shaped by ever-changing power dynamics, between those who have it and those who don’t, those who abuse it or share it, and those who claim it or lose it. As part of its commitment to inclusive systems development, Helvetas applies a GSE lens to its Political Economy & Power (PEPA), conflict and other context and stakeholder analyses.
Building confidence and trust, sharing power, changing norms and transforming inequality
Transformative change relies on shifting mindsets, behaviors, norms, practices and rules (formal and informal) at three interdependent levels: individual, societal and structural.
This is applicable to both our organizational and operational change management processes, which are interlinked.
The changes we seek are incremental and build on each other, first achieving different types of significant changes to then achieve more principal, systemic and ultimately transformative changes.

How we facilitate GSE change
Our GSE theory of change considers two interdependent levels that reinforce each other: i. the institutional/organization level that frames, steers and supports (left); and ii. the operational/program level that implements, adapts and informs (right).
The interface between the two levels serves continuous learning, innovation, quality assurance and scaling across the levels. This is achieved through feedback loops and cooperation channels between head offices and country program offices, and/or teams in country, between regions and across programs.

Our GSE principles and policies
Helvetas is committed to “walking the talk” in the values we stand for and the gender equality and social equity we commit ourselves to.
The GSE Diamonds provide benchmarks and actions for better managing our physical spaces and assets, our financial assets and, most importantly, our human resources. Identifying and improving means for achieving our GSE Diamonds is an ongoing process. Ultimately our working conditions and environment serve to enhance the wellbeing, sense of belonging, opportunity for growth and optimal productivity of all employees, interns and volunteers. To learn what the GSE Diamonds are, visit here in English, Spanish or French.
Helvetas’ Gender and Social Equity Policy informs our working principles and approaches with the primary and secondary stakeholders, system actors and partners we interact and collaborate with.
To learn about our GSE vision and actions for 2025-2028, visit here: English, Spanish or French.
Our GSE Marker supports the integration of GSE in our organizational processes and program/projects from design to evaluation and learning, for quality assurance. The GSE Marker can be downloaded in English, Spanish and French.
To learn more about our different GSE initiatives and ways of working, you can refer to our GSE capability statement and explore a selection of our projects, as well as what we can offer as part of our advisory services (see below).
What we offer
We can provide the following GSE advisory services internally to our teams, partners and system actors in the countries where we work, as well as to external clients from civil society, the public and private sector, development and aid agencies, and donors.
For organizations and institutions, we can:
- Support the review, design, development and rolling out of GSE in human resource management and development strategies, policies, regulations and processes
- Conduct gender, diversity and inclusion audits, including at head offices and country offices
- Conduct inclusive leadership training
For programs and projects, we can:
- Support the analysis, design, planning, implementation and evaluation of gender and social equity in programs and projects (GSE blind to transformative)
- Design and conduct GSE-focused or mainstreamed feasibility studies, assessments, reviews and evaluations
- Provide GSE practical capacity development and backstopping tailored to context and needs, including: GSE in different sectors; GSE policy and rights frameworks; GSE-specific topics and approaches (e.g., unpaid care work, GBV, engaging men and boys, digitalization)
- Support the development of GSE knowledge and capacity development, as well as capitalization of experience products
- Support GSE in advocacy, policy dialogue and media relations
Women's participation and voices
Our gender focal persons
As part of our commitment to integrating gender in our programs, local Helvetas gender focal persons are key. These women and men are committed to developing their own capacities and that of our partner countries’ teams and partners. They mitigate conflicts and identify gaps and required resources needed to address gender and equity disparities in our work. Gender focal persons are supported by our organizational gender and social equity focal person. Lessons learned are systematically shared within the organization.
Our GSE focal persons and advisors support projects, partners and system actors in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans, Latin America, and the MENA region.
Selected projects
GSE is mainstreamed across all our working areas. We have GSE principle projects focusing on economic and political rights and participation as well access to justice, and projects where affirmative actions are invested in to improve social inclusion, equity and cohesion.