In many of the countries where Helvetas works, citizens are excluded from participating in the decision-making processes that affect their lives. Every year, Helvetas supports around 350,000 people in exercising their civil rights.
Fostering good governance
Voice, inclusion and social cohesion is an aspiration, not a reality, for many people. The troubling trend of authoritarianism in recent years, fueled by populist rhetoric and nationalism, is exacerbating the situation. Meanwhile, space for civil society continues to shrink.
The Covid-19 crisis has led to further encroachments on civil and political rights. But the pandemic has also highlighted the importance of functioning governance systems. Fostering good governance and protecting human rights takes time — especially in areas of the world marked by fragility, conflicts and humanitarian disasters.
Our work
Helvetas works with local governments, civil society organizations, the private sector and citizens to promote effective and inclusive governance, conflict transformation and safer migration.
We help citizens engage in decision- and policy-making to influence and hold local governments to account. We strengthen the capacities of local governments to provide quality public services in a gender responsive, pro-poor and efficient manner.
Helvetas works with forcibly displaced persons and supports the most disadvantaged internal and international migrants seeking a better life by protecting their rights, minimizing migration risks, and maximizing the impact of migration on local social and economic development.
We foster peaceful relationships and social cohesion at the community level to prevent conflicts and the radicalization of youth that is fueled by scarcity of resources, unresponsive governments and populist rhetoric.
Capability Statement for Voice, Inclusion, Cohesion (long version)PDF (2.46 MB)
Capability Statement for Voice, Inclusion, Cohesion (short version)PDF (1.92 MB)
Capability Statement for DigitalizationPDF (2.27 MB)
Capability Statement for Urban EngagementPDF (1 MB)
Capability Statement for YouthPDF (0.73 MB)
Capability Statement for Gender & Social EquityPDF (0.67 MB)
Capability Statement for Conflict TransformationPDF (0.86 MB)
Migration Capability StatementPDF (0.8 MB)
Advocacy Capability StatementPDF (2.17 MB)