© Helvetas / Vértigo Producciones

Advancing Knowledge for Agricultural Impact - AVANTI

© Helvetas / Vértigo Producciones
By facilitating national self-assessments of monitoring, evaluation and reporting systems, AVANTI seeks to build in-country capacities in agricultural and rural development tracking and measuring against the Sustainable Development Goals and fill the current monitoring and evalutation (M&E) gap in the agricultural sector.
  • Project Name
    AVANTI - Advancing Knowledge for Agricultural Impact
  • Project Phase
    2018 to 2021
  • Funding
    This mandate is funded by IFAD
  • Thematic focus
    Learning & Innovation
    Private Sector Development
    Voice, Inclusion & Cohesion

Self-assessment for improved M&E

In collaboration with its partner Itad, Helvetas facilitates a self-assessment exercise of ministries in up to 20 countries to improve their monitoring and evaluation systems on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Knowledge products and learning from such in-country experiences will be shared globally and shall support the growth of knowledge around impact in rural development. This initiative funded by IFAD contributes to foster national monitoring and evaluation systems and thus strengthen evidence-based decision-making for strategies, policies and programs of the sector.

AVANTI – Advancing Knowledge for Agricultural Impact is an initiative that aims at strengthening participants’ ability to report against the SDGs through monitoring, evaluation, reporting and learning; adopting a Management for Development Results (MfDR) approach. AVANTI‘s objective is to facilitate better government decision making for rural policies and strategies by improving M&E systems’ ability to capture SDG progress through improvements in areas like leadership, planning, statistics and sharing of good practices.

© Helvetas / Vértigo Producciones
All workshop participants receive a certificate from organizing institutions IFAD and MINAGRI © Helvetas / Vértigo Producciones
© Helvetas / Vértigo Producciones
Key stakeholders from different units in the Ministry of Agriculture discuss the M&E capacities © Helvetas / Vértigo Producciones
© Helvetas / Vértigo Producciones
Ministerial decision-maker prioritizing actions for strengthening institutional M&E capacities © Helvetas / Vértigo Producciones

How AVANTI works

AVANTI adapts a tried and tested self-assessment methodology of governments’ capacities in managing for development results (CAP-Scan) to the Agriculture sector: resulting in its new product AG-Scan. The methodology is customized to each individual country context before adoption. Through this initiative, government ministries working in rural development collaborate in assessing their own capacities and coming up with joint locally-driven solutions. This participatory process enhances buy-in and ownership by country players

Key elements of AVANTI

Country Ownership: Each participating ministry and institution owns the process. The AVANTI country team supports them in assessing their M&E systems and capacities, and facilitates the adoption of locally-owned action plans.

Knowledge: AVANTI enables its participants to learn and create knowledge products, connect with each other and share their work with a global audience, contributing to wider understanding of sustainable agricultural development.

Further information

Private Sector Development

Youth need access to reliable, fairly paid jobs to break the cycle of poverty. Helvetas creates partnerships and promotes policies that build more inclusive economies.

Learning & Innovation

Building the capacities of staff and partners to effectively share what they know, to learn together and create effective solutions is crucial to our success.