Our Global Vision and Mission

We are committed to bringing about real change for disadvantaged people in almost 40 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe.

About us

Helvetas is committed to a just world in which all people determine the course of their lives in dignity and security, using environmental resources in a sustainable manner. Helvetas is an independent organization for development based in Switzerland with affiliated organizations in Germany and the United States. Helvetas supports poor and disadvantaged people and communities in almost 40 developing and transitional countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe.

Together with our partners, Helvetas tackles global challenges at various levels: with projects on the ground, with expert advice, and by advocating for conducive framework conditions benefiting the poor. This triple commitment is empowering people and transforming lives. Helvetas follows a multi-stakeholder approach by linking civil society actors, governments and the private sector.

Helvetas is active in the following areas: water, food and climate, education, jobs and private sector development, governance, gender and social equity. Helvetas engages in emergency relief, reconstruction and rehabilitation. In addition to rural areas, Helvetas is increasingly involved in urban development and is focusing its work on young people.

In Switzerland, Helvetas promotes solidarity and participates in the dialogue on development policy. 

Our vision

Our vision is of a just world in which all people determine the course of their lives in dignity and security, using environmental resources in a sustainable manner.

Our mission

  • We support poor and disadvantaged people and communities in developing and transitional countries in their efforts to improve their living conditions.
  • Through development cooperation, we support people in improving their livelihoods themselves in a sustainable manner.
  • We promote equitable access to the resources and services necessary for life, and thus contribute to overcoming the root causes of poverty.
  • We uphold the protection and promotion of social, economic, political, environmental and cultural rights and responsibilities, and seek to ensure their practical implementation.
  • We support our partners in engaging in development policy issues.
  • We advocate for a coherent Swiss foreign and economic policy, responsive to the needs of people in developing and transition countries.
  • We accompany and support our partners on a long-term basis.

Our fundamental values

  • Our engagement is based on solidarity and partnership.
  • We work towards achieving human rights and upholding the principle of self-determined development.
  • We are committed to social equity and strive for equal opportunities for all people, regardless of age, origin, language, religion, culture or political convictions.
  • Our collaboration with our partners is based on mutual respect for cultural values and principles.
  • We stand for development that balances economic viability, environmental appropriateness and social benefits.

Our working principles

  • We work in partnership on the basis of shared values, and strengthen the autonomy of our partners.
  • We strive for innovation and sustainability in our programs.
  • We actively engage in development policy dialogue, seeking to influence international regulatory frameworks towards being more just and responsive to the demands of developing countries.
  • We work with civil society organizations, private sector and government actors and promote exchange among them at local, national and international levels.
  • We take into account the local context. In fragile situations, we engage in conflict prevention and management.
  • We foster intercultural dialogue, the exchange of experiences and knowledge and thus learn for our future work.
  • We uphold good governance and democratic accountability, including the fight against corruption.
  • We work in an outcome-oriented and efficient manner. As a learning organization, we systematically monitor the results and impacts of our programs and projects.
  • We are committed to transparency and accountability towards our partners and stakeholders. We foster open internal and external communication.
  • We support the professional and personal development of our staff.
© Helvetas / Maurice K. Grünig
«For the first time in human history, overcoming poverty as a destiny is within reach. Faced with growing inequalities, we must unite forces to create pathways into a self-determinded life for today’s global youth.»

Melchior Lengsfeld, Executive Director of Helvetas

Our Working Principles and Approaches

We strive for a fairer world in which everyone can fulfill their basic needs. We support people in taking charge of improving their livelihoods sustainably.