Area69,700 km²
Poverty rate*21%
UN DEVELOPMENT INDEX*Rank: 63 out of 193
Thematic focusEducation and Vocational Skills
Gender & Social Equity
Learning & Innovation
Partnership & Capacity Development
Market Systems Development
Pursuing Economic Equality in Georgia
Extensive vineyards in the east of Georgia show the importance of wine for the Georgian economy; it is also very popular as an export product. Besides wine, tea, citrus fruits and other export goods are also shipped across the Black Sea from the port of Batumi. There is also mangan and copper mining and the small-scale production of textiles, machinery and chemicals.
The growth in tourism in Georgia has caused the unemployment rate to fall in recent years. However, there is still a wide disparity between the capital, Tbilisi, where most business activities are concentrated, and other regions of the country.
In rural areas there is often a lack of entrepreneurial knowledge and training, as well as limited infrastructure (e.g., poor roads and internet connections, an inconsistent power supply and an unreliable water supply), which makes it difficult to operate a business.

A more inclusive and greener economy
Women and youth, including the most disadvantaged and excluded, should be able to participate in economic life – especially following the Covid pandemic, which particularly affected people who were already disadvantaged beforehand.
Helvetas is supporting Georgia in various projects to boost its economy outside of the capital, Tbilisi. We are also working to improve the digitalization of sectors with unutilized potential such as agriculture, tourism and manufacturing, and to create better economic and environmental values for businesses through an available skilled workforce.
A lot of these activities are being pursued through RECONOMY, an inclusive and green economic development program that is implemented by Helvetas in the Eastern Partnership and the Western Balkan regions.
Our projects in Georgia
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