Sophie Nguyen-Khoa

© Helvetas
Consulente senio Sicurezza idrica
Sophie Nguyen-Khoa, DAG, DAA, DESS, PhD

Sophie Nguyen-Khoa holds degrees in Agronomy, Fishery and Socio-Economics, and an interdisciplinary PhD in Water Resources Management. She joined Helvetas in 2016 and is responsible for water security with emphasis on the interface water-food-climate change and water stewardship. Sophie started her career 1998 and has significant experience in integrated water management and multi-level governance. She worked as a researcher for the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and the WorldFish Center, and became co-director of the CGIAR Program on Water and Food. She contributed to organizing the World Water Forum 2012 in Marseille, joined the World Water Council as theme leader, and co-authored an e-learning module on water resources management.