Helvetas contribuye a la protección y empoderamiento de los migrantes y sus familias. Minimizamos los riesgos y costos de la migración y maximizamos su impacto positivo en el desarrollo social y económico local.
Qué ofrecemos
- Experiencia en cuatro áreas de intervención fundamentales: derechos humanos y protección, desarrollo económico y gestión de remesas, formación técnica y apoyo psicosocial en todas las fases del ciclo migratorio.
- Asesoramiento sobre el fortalecimiento del buen gobierno en todo lo referente a la migración; destacamos los aspectos positivos de la migración; reforzamos la inclusión política, social y económica de los migrantes; prevención de conflictos.
- Fortalecimiento de las instituciones. Desarrollo de capacidades de actores estatales y no estatales. Apoyo a los actores gubernamentales en la mejora de los servicios públicos. Fortalecimiento de la sociedad civil, incluidos los representantes y asociaciones de migrantes, para participar en la promoción y el diálogo sobre políticas a nivel local, nacional e internacional. La sociedad civil tiene un papel crucial en la promoción de políticas -sensibles al género, basadas en derechos- y no discriminatorias que permitan una migración segura y regular.
- Ejecución de un planteamiento centrado en la migración para aumentar los beneficios y reducir los costos de la misma.
- Inclusión de dimensiones y dinámicas diferentes en el diseño y la planificación de intervenciones humanitarias y de desarrollo, como la integración de las diásporas en el desarrollo económico rural o los migrantes en la formación técnica.
- Cobertura geográfica: nuestros asesores ubicados en el hemisferio sur y en Suiza, ofrecen apoyo técnico a proyectos en Europa, África, Asia y América Latina.
Helvetas covers the multi-faceted migration phenomenon (e.g., safe labor migration, forced displacement, climate-linked mobility, urban migration) across the world through standalone and migrant-inclusive/centered interventions and by relying on Helvetas’ and our partners’ wide thematic and sectoral expertise. Advocacy work and the promotion of an objective vision based on facts and evidence are integral.
In line with Helvetas’ inclusive systems approach, migration interventions are designed and implemented along three complementary and interlinked levels of change: people (individual change), partnerships (societal change), and frame conditions (structural change). Our migration work integrates with the other working fields of governance and civic space as well as conflict transformation. We recognize their interdependence and therefore opportunities for more integrated approaches and more sustainable results.
We work with migrants and concerned stakeholders along the migration cycle continuum. Interventions for migrants vary depending on the needs and the context and include access to information, delivery of basic services (e.g., shelter), food security and livelihoods support, protection services, access to education and vocational skills training, and facilitation of linkages with potential employers. On the departure side, we work with families left behind by helping them to better manage remittances or by offering psychosocial or legal support. On the arrival side, we also work with receiving communities, promoting social cohesion and access to resources and services for all. We promote the voices of migrants through meaningful participation and inclusive decision-making processes to increase their self-reliance. By improving access to inclusive services, migrants are more resourced, better protected and can exercise their rights, while contributing to the socio-economic development of their home and host communities.
Helvetas cooperates with local and national organizations, as well as relevant service providers and government authorities working with migrant populations, and helps them build or strengthen their capacity to deliver responsive services to migrants. Helvetas also supports migrants’ networks to promote safer migration, migrants’ rights and convey specific migration-related advocacy messages.
Helvetas supports civil society organizations, the private sector and the government to improve the inclusion of migrant populations and the promotion of social cohesion. Together we develop long-term perspectives and work closely with duty bearers to establish a framework to better protect and empower migrant populations through inclusive policies. To achieve this, advocacy work in our partner countries and in Switzerland is instrumental.

What we offer
- Expertise in key intervention areas: safe labor migration and fair recruitment, forced displacement, climate-linked mobility, urban migration, gender and migration.
- Include different migration aspects and dynamics in designing and planning development and humanitarian interventions.
- Advice on strengthening good governance, gender and social cohesion in all migration matters through close collaboration with other advisors with complementary areas of expertise.
- Implementation of a migrant-inclusive/centered approach to promote the leave no one behind commitment and the inclusion of the most underserved populations.
- Strengthening institutions: Capacity development of state and non-state actors, including parliaments and private sector.
- Support government actors in improving public services and policies, including transboundary
- Strengthen civil society, including migrant representatives and associations, to engage in advocacy and policy dialogue at local, national and international levels.
- Geographical coverage: Our diverse, multilingual advisors based in the Global South and in Switzerland provide technical and strategic support to projects and partners in Europe, Africa, Asia, MENA and Latin America. Learn more here.
Contact our team
Our multilingual advisory team offers wide-ranging thematic expertise and has in-depth experience in navigating complex processes. Helvetas’ work builds on over 60 years of experience in more than 30 countries.
Contact our migration and development experts
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Contacta a nuestro equipo
Nuestro equipo de asesoramiento multilingüe tiene un amplio conocimiento temático y vasta experiencia para desenvolverse en procesos complejos. El trabajo de Helvetas cuenta con más de 60 años de experiencia en más de 30 países.
Proyectos seleccionados
Helvetas desarrolla y guía proyectos. Para ser sostenibles, se deben incorporar a nivel local. Apoyamos a nuestros socios en la organización eficaz de proyectos y procesos, y también ayudamos a las autoridades locales a asumir mejor sus responsabilidades.