© Helvetas

Conflict Sensitive Program Management

© Helvetas

Conflict sensitivity is the awareness that our work, presence, and behaviour can have unintended consequences on conflicts and social relations. It means taking action to avoid negative effects and to reinforce our positive impact. Conflict sensitivity is an institutional approach at Helvetas, which means we integrate conflict sensitivity into all that we do.

Why conflict sensitivity matters

Conflict sensitivity should be an integral part of all humanitarian and development interventions. Working in a conflict-sensitive manner reduces the risk of inadvertently contributing to tensions and conflict, and helps to identify opportunities to contribute to social cohesion. It increases acceptance, reduces security risks, and strengthens project sustainability. In fragile and conflict-affected situations the risks of doing harm are particularly high. For this reason conflict sensitivity is a core component of Helvetas’ Fit for Fragility framework.

3-step approach to work in fragile and conflict-affected situations
© Helvetas / Peter Schmidt
© Helvetas / Peter Schmidt
© Helvetas / Regula Gattiker
© Helvetas / Regula Gattiker

How can Helvetas support you?

  • Provide access to tools and instruments for applying conflict sensitivity
  • Conduct conflict sensitivity assessments and evaluations
  • Assist in finding specialized partners or consultants
  • Provide coaching and advice on applying conflict sensitivity
  • Design and deliver trainings and workshops on conflict sensitivity
  • Develop organizational strategies for mainstreaming conflict sensitivity
  • Document good practices and lessons learned

Further information

Download the full publications and learn more about our projects related to conflicts and about typical conflicts arising around natural resources management:

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