Press Releases

© Helvetas Kyrgyzstan
г. Ош, Кыргызстан 29. April 2019

Депутаты Жогорку Кенеша Кыргызской Республики ознакомились с проблемами в системе ирригации.

29 апреля в городе Ош состоялось выездное заседание комитета по аграрной политике, водным ресурсам, экологии ...
Opening of the kindergarten in Taran-Bazar | © Helvetas
Kyrgyzstan, Suzak district 22. April 2019

The kindergarten with 75 places opened in the village of Taran-Bazar

On April 10, 2019 in the village of Taran-Bazar, the grand opening of the renovated building of the Kyzgaldak kindergarten for 75 places was held as part of the Public Service Improvement project, ...
Youth United for the Future | © Helvetas
Jajal-Abad, Kyrgyzstan 18. July 2018

Youth and Adults. A dialogue about the past, present and future.

A three-day training for trainers was held for 40 young and adult participants in the city of Jalal-Abad
© Helvetas
Aravan, Osh oblast 27. May 2018

The YOU project continued its activity with conducting Youth trainings in Aravan

The YOU project continued its activity with conducting Youth trainings in Aravan on May 19-20, 2018. The youth group consists of thirty young people aged 15-29 that come from various backgrounds and ...
© Helvetas
Osh, Kyrgyzstan 01. May 2018

Preventing Extremism: An Exchange Between Generations

HELVETAS is implementing a new project for the prevention of violent, particularly religious extremism in South Kyrgyzstan. The combination of peace-education and psychosocial methods with local ...