Danièle Castle

Danièle Castle is currently a lifelong learning specialist at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). She began her career in B2B public relations at Burson-Marsteller International in Geneva. After working at Elizabeth Arden and Ares Serono International, where she headed the Corporate Public Relations department worldwide, she set up her own company, Genevensis Healthcare Communications, in 1999, specialised in marketing and communications in the healthcare and life sciences sectors. Later, at the World Heart Federation, she oversaw cause marketing. In 2013 she became the Executive Director of Graduate Women International, an international NGO focused on girls' and women's education. After leaving the NGO, she set up the first accelerator for educational technologies (Kickstart Accelerator EdTech) in Switzerland, which was operated by VentureLab in partnership with EPFL prior to joining digitalswitzerland, an association that promotes the digital transformation of the country. Danièle Castle co-designed and co-directs the Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) in Strategic and Operational Philanthropy at the University of Geneva, is a member of the startup investor VentureKick jury, and sits on the board of a small company in the circular economy.