A Nepali engineer and his Ethiopian colleague build bridges together in rural Ethiopia. | © Helvetas / Simon Opladen


© Helvetas / Simon Opladen

Context and brief history

Helvetas Nepal holds extensive experience and expertise in rural access. This body of knowledge was developed over more than forty years while supporting the construction of over 10,000 trail bridges in Nepal. Many countries showed their interest to learn from this experience and subsequently approached Helvetas Nepal. These included Bhutan, Ethiopia, Honduras, Mozambique, Tanzania, Laos, Vietnam and Indonesia. In order to respond to such requests, Helvetas Nepal initiated South-South cooperation through a decentralized division, theTransformative Rural Access Catalyst for Change (TRAC4Change). The division, which is based in Nepal, was formerly called the South-South Cooperation Unit. 

Implementation strategy

TRAC4Change collaborates with governments, development organizations, academic institutions, donors, charities, foundations and the private sector to form strategic partnerships to overcome rural isolation, ignite economic growth and promote equitable development for all. With decades of experience in climate-resilient infrastructure, we share our knowledge, support policy development and ensure high-quality construction.

The scope of the support varies according to the recipient country's need. Past support has included reconnaissance trips, designing trail bridges, capacity building of partners, embedding trail bridge programs within government systems, and the provision of technical assistance.

Stakeholders and partners

TRAC4Change works with governments, NGOs and private organizations. These include the International Labor Organization, SNV, the African Development Bank, and the Islamic Development Bank, among others. 


As a unit for technology transfer, TRAC4Change can provide its service anywhere in the world. Past support has been provided in Bhutan, Burundi, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Laos, Mozambique, Vietnam and Tanzania.

© Helvetas/Narendra Shrestha
Many children in Nepal must make dangerous river crossings to get to school. © Helvetas/Narendra Shrestha
© Helvetas / Narendra Shrestha
But more and more trail bridges make the path to school safer, easier and quicker. © Helvetas / Narendra Shrestha
© Helvetas
Thanks to a trail bridge in a remote places in Nepal this woman has access to  the market for selling her products. © Helvetas
© Helvetas
Nepalis in the beginning years of becoming trail bridge experts. © Helvetas
© Helvetas / Simon Opladen
A Nepali engineer exchanges his experiences  in trail bridge construction with his Ethiopian colleagues. © Helvetas / Simon Opladen
© Helvetas/Hanspeter Bundi
An Ethiopian and Nepali engineer exchange about trail bridge construction. © Helvetas/Hanspeter Bundi


Our goal is to eliminate rural isolation and poverty by specializing in trail bridges, green roads, and catalyzing systemic change. This is achieved by integrating rural infrastructure development within government systems for transformative change.

We aim to create solutions that empower governments and communities to build their capacities for change through our climate-resilient technology, which meets robust engineering standards and is substantially more affordable than conventional options, making it ideal for countries with limited resources. Additionally, the technology is highly scalable, even in remote and underserved areas.

Present status

TRAC4Change has been providing continuous technical assistance to Helvetas Ethiopia since 2008 for the establishment of its trail bridge program. Current support is provided to the TRAIL Ethiopia project, funded by the Helmsley Charitable Trust, and jointly implemented by Helvetas Ethiopia and Bridges to Prosperity. The target is to construct 150 trail bridges to benefit over 1.3 million people in rural areas of six regions, and to institutionalize trail bridges within government systems.

Further information

Ansu Tumbahangfe                                                          Director                                                                     

GPO 688 Kathmandu

Phone:+977 1 5424 925
E-Mail: trac4change@helvetas.org

© Helvetas / Narendra Shrestha

Private Sector Development

Economic growth does not always benefit the poor and poverty is bad for growth. We need to make a proactive effort to break this vicious cycle.

Partnership and Capacity Development

Sustainable change must be owned by national actors. Working in partnerships is a fundamental principle of Helvetas’ work.

How we work

We support our partners to become organized and train local authorities to assume responsibilities. That ensures continuity of successful project interventions.