EHF 2024: Alliance2015 calls for principled, people-centred humanitarian action now
The 2024 European Humanitarian Forum (EHF) is an important opportunity for the European humanitarian community to come together and explore durable and effective solutions to address the most pressing humanitarian challenges of our time.
The members of Alliance2015 call on all EU decision makers to urgently reiterate and reinforce their action to ensure principled humanitarian aid. The core principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence are enshrined in International Humanitarian Law (IHL); this is being increasingly challenged and EU decision makers must act more decisively to uphold it.
Armed conflict is the greatest driver of hunger, displacement and death of civilian populations and of long-term destruction and devastation, with the most vulnerable always paying the heaviest price. Hunger and famine do not arise simply because there is not enough food to go around, but also because of political (in)action and failures, including the deliberate obstruction of humanitarian aid.
In the very different but equally intolerablecontexts that we will discuss at the EHF such as Gaza, Haiti, Myanmar, Niger, Sudan and Ukraine, humanitarian actors face obstacles that seriously hinder their ability to reach those most in need. These include funding shortages, blockades, restrictions on movement, attacks on humanitarian workers, and the politicization of aid. Sustained humanitarian funding and secure access to humanitarian aid are essential for saving lives, alleviating suffering, restoring dignity to affected populations, and minimizing the devastation caused by conflict and crises.
Humanitarian aid is an essential lifeline for communities and is one of the key tools of the European Union. But diplomacy, political influence, and seeking to ensure respect for International Humanitarian Law are also crucial accompaniments to humanitarian funding. Civilians suffering in deepening conflicts and those surviving in protracted, neglected crises must have unhindered access to adequate humanitarian assistance.
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