© Helvetas

Inclusive Plug Episode 18: Is the Invested Money Worth the Outcome We Achieve as MSD Projects?

BY: Sabin Selimi - 11. October 2021
© Helvetas

Market Systems Development has emerged in the past two decades as a way to better deliver large‐scale, sustainable development impact to poor and disadvantaged people. It provides a framework to understand the institutional underlying causes of negative development outcomes and a method of intervening in market systems to achieve poverty reduction sustainably.

But have we ever stopped and looked in the past? Here’s where cost-benefit analysis comes into play. But is cost-benefit analysis also a learning tool which can help steer the future of a project? Why should projects conduct such analyses? And what are some of the experiences?

These are some of the questions we’ve explored in this episode with 3 experts who have experience in managing MSD projects and in conducting cost-benefit analyses:

  • Siham Boukhali, who’s managing the SDC (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation) mandate for Economic and Financial Analysis at Helvetas. She has multi-country experience working for multinational companies in financial services.
  • Pieter Ypma, who’s Project Director of the Enhancing Youth Employment project in Kosovo, which is implemented by Helvetas and financed by the SDC.
  • Roman Troxler, who’s a certified and experienced evaluator of employment and economic development projects, for example Helvetas-implemented projects of the SDC like the Enhancing Youth Employment project in Kosovo and the Education for Employment project in North Macedonia.


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