Water Resources Management Programme (WARM-P), Helvetas Nepal invites Sealed Bid from the interested and competent suppliers/vendors for the supply and delivery of various construction materials for drinking water supply and sanitation scheme as per following package: Package-I : Supply and delivery of various construction materials (HDPE Pipe, rebar, plain wire, barbed wire, chicken wire mesh, fitting, tools etc.) for drinking water supply and sanitation schemes. The eligible bidders may obtain further information about the requirements and clarity on the bid document at office address, phone number or email mentioned below. We will response to such a query during office hours (9AM to 5PM). The bidders can download bidding documents from the the link below. Date of pre-bid meeting (online): 03 October 2023 at 2PM. Interested potential bidders can contact to water.np@helvetas.org on or before 12:30PM by 03 October 2023 to participate the meeting. Sealed bids must be submitted to the office address as follows: Water Resources Management Programme (WARM-P), Helvetas Nepal Birendranagar, Surkhet The last date for submission of sealed bid is on 09 October 2023 latest by 12PM. The bids will be opened on 09 October 2023, at 1PM in the presence of Bidder’s representatives who choose to attend. Bid security should be in a form of bank guarantee issued by “A” class commercial bank in favour of “Water Resources Management Programme (WARM-P), Helvetas Nepal”, which is convertible into cash in Nepal without any condition (unconditional). The validity of bid security should be minimum 75 days from the last date of bid submission. The bid security amount is: 151,000.00 (one hundred fifty one thousand only) The purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any bid partially or fully without assigning any reasons whatsoever. Water Resources Management Programme (WARM-P), Helvetas Nepal Birendranagar, Surkhet Phone no: 083-521092, 083-521093 Email: water.np@helvetas.org DOWNLOAD BID-DOCUMENT
The Reintegration of Migrant Workers (ReMi) project, initiated in July 2022, is a bilateral initiative of the Governments of Nepal (GoN) and Switzerland. The project is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented through a partnership between the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security; respective provincial line ministries and 20 local governments in Koshi Province and Madhesh Province. Helvetas Nepal, with support from Terre des hommes Foundation, provides technical assistance on social reintegration for the project. ReMi/Helvetas Nepal invites sealed Request for Proposals from the eligible consulting firms for conducting a Qualitative Research on Returnee Migrant Workers in Nepal The detailed RFP document can be obtained by downloading from BELOW LINK. All sealed proposal must be submitted on or before 16 August 2023 latest by 1 PM. Proposals/documents received after the deadline shall not be accepted. Proposals will be opened in the presence of consultants/representatives who choose to attend at 2 PM on 16 August 2023. Proposal must be valid for 90 days from the date of proposal submission deadline. ReMi/Helvetas Nepal reserves the right to accept or reject wholly or partly any or all bids without assigning any reasons whatsoever. DOWNLOAD BID DOCUMENT
Rural Enterprises and Remittances Project - SAMRIDDHI is a joint initiative of the Government of Nepal (GoN) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). Its strategic goal is 'Reducing poverty and achieving sustainable development through employment-focused, equitable and inclusive economic development'. SAMRIDDHI Project is implemented by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies and funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The development objective is to contribute to developing viable Rural, Micro Cottage and Small Enterprises (RMSEs), in both farming and off-farming sectors, and provide sustainable sources of income to poor households, migrant families and returnees. The sub-component 1.3 (Decent Jobs) aims to support 30,000 youth to be trained & employed. The objective of this sub-component is to provide quality skills relevant to local employment and enterprise opportunities to economically poor youths, to enable them to secure decent jobs and/or establish their skill based RMSE through Training and Employment Service Providers (T&Es). Helvetas Nepal is a key partner to provide Implementation Support (IS) or Technical Assistance (TA) for sub-component 1.3 (Decent Jobs) of SAMRIDDHI. Samriddhi/Helvetas Nepal invites sealed Proposal from the eligible consulting firms for assessing the Impact of Vocational Skill Training: A Tracer Study on Career Progression, Employability, and Skill Acquisition. The detailed RFP document can be obtained by downloading from below link. The RFP includes the following documents: Section 1 - Letter of Invitation or Notice Section 2 - Instructions to Consultants and Data Sheet Section 3 - Technical Proposal - Standard Forms Section 4 - Financial Proposal - Standard Forms Section 5 - Terms of Reference (ToR) Section 6 – Conditions of Contract and contract forms Section 7 - Helvetas Anticorruption Policy 4. All the proposals must be submitted on or before 24 July 2023 latest by 5:00 PM. Proposals/documents received after the deadline shall not be accepted. 5. Proposals will be opened in the presence of applicants/representatives who choose to attend at 03:00 PM on 24 July 2023. Proposal must be valid for 90 days from the date of proposal submission deadline. 6. SAMRIDDHI/Helvetas Nepal reserves the right to accept or reject wholly or partly any or all bids without assigning any reasons whatsoever. DOWNLOAD RFP DOCUMENT
Safer Migration (SaMi) Program is a bilateral initiative between the Government of Nepal and the Government of Switzerland. It is implemented by the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security and 156 participating local governments. Helvetas Nepal provides technical assistance to the program on behalf of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). SaMi invites proposals for the selection of consultant (consulting firm only) " to create safe labor migration corridors". The main objective of this consultancy is to co-create new safe migration corridors with employers in potential destination countries by envisioning specific activities such as identification of potential employers, conducting ethical recruitment audit, supporting to setup vocational skills training delivery mechanisms in Nepal and conducting training/business process improvement of recruitment agencies in Nepal Therefore, proposals are invited from the interested and eligible consultants to setup of 1-2 safe labor migration corridor with destination countries. The detail ToR and relevant evaluation criteria is outlined in the RFP document. A complete set of RFP is made available through the link below. Interested consultants must fulfil the minimum requirements listed in RFP. Proposal must be submitted latest by 5 July 2023 before 5 PM (Nepal Time) through email: procurement.np@helvetas.org mentioned "Proposal for creating safe labor migration corridors" in the subject line". Helvetas Nepal, Country Office, Bakhundole, Lalitpur. Clarification about any concern regarding the RFP can be sought through email procurement.np@helvetas.org latest by 26 June 2023 before 5PM (Nepal Time). The composite response for all queries will be published on office website latest by 28 June 2023 before 5 PM (Nepal Time). Acceptance or rejection of proposal and award of the job or cancellation of proposal notice shall remain within the jurisdiction of SaMi/Helvetas Nepal. DOWNLOAD RFP DOCUMENT RESPONSE TO QUERIES
Helvetas Nepal invites sealed proposals from eligible, interested, and competent consultants/ service providers to undertake a Mid Term Review of InElam (Innovation in Enterprise Development and Job Creation) project. InElam has significantly contributed to enterprise development and gone through considerable changes since it was first piloted in 2003. It facilitates the localization of business services to increase the investment of private sector in local resource-based enterprises, private sector led advocacy for business conducive environment, and encouraging innovations in enterprise. The objective of this assignment is to review and document the learnings gained during the current phase (as well as retrospectively examining previous phases where relevant), assess its accomplishments and strategic direction, document and identify effective methods for sharing its insights, and provide precise, specific, and measurable recommendations for the remaining phase. The detailed Terms of Reference is available from Below Link Interested consultants are invited to submit a technical and financial proposal with their curriculum vitae and PAN/ VAT certificate (if applicable). Last date of submission for technical and financial proposal is 17 May 2023. Applicants are requested to send their application to km.np@helvetas.org. The selection of candidates and contractual agreements will be in compliance with Helvetas Nepal procurement policies. Helvetas Nepal applies a fair selection process and will take due consideration of competencies and skills of the applicants through a review of their technical proposal and CV as well as their financial proposal. DOWNLOAD Terms of Reference