© Helvetas

Learning Practical Skills, Gaining New and Better Job Opportunities

© Helvetas

Young Nepalese are often unaware of the benefits of vocational skills training, and the employment opportunities that this can bring. A lack of practical experience further hinders job-seekers. Enhanced Skills for Sustainable and Rewarding Employment (ENSSURE), a SDC project implemented by the CTEVT with technical assistance from Helvetas helps young people get into the job market through career guidance, apprenticeships, and on-the-job training – working with the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), schools, and private sector employers.

  • Project Name
    Enhanced Skills for Sustainable and Rewarding Employment
  • Project Phase
    2015 to 2019
  • Funding
    This project is an SDC mandate.
  • Thematic focus
    Education and Vocational Skills

A new formal apprenticeship procedure, 200 pilot apprenticeships

The Government of Nepal institution responsible for developing and implementing training curricula is the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT). Enhanced Skills for Sustainable and Rewarding Employment (ENSSURE), a SDC project implemented by the CTEVT with technical assistance from Helvetas works closely with the private sector – through apprenticeships, lifelong learning (provided through short training courses), and meaningful on-the-job training.  

ENSSURE seeks to support both inexperienced trainees, and existing workers who require “top up” skills. It particularly focuses on improving the employment prospects of women, and individuals belonging to socially disadvantaged groups. 
The project works with partner companies, industry associations, training providers and the National Skill Testing Board/National Vocational Qualification Authority. Partner companies are encouraged to employ in-house trainers who guide apprentices and workers in further training, at the same time as taking responsibility for implementing Occupational Health and Safety Standards.

Trainees in practical session | © Helvetas
Trainees in a practical session © Helvetas
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Trainer briefing on theoretical aspects on food preparation © Helvetas
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Prospective trainees going through training brochure © Helvetas

800 school pupils with fresh career perspectives 

Schools and parents tend to stress the importance of academic achievement, and office jobs. This is not a viable option for every young person, and learning a vocational skill should not necessarily be considered “second best”. To offer young people new ideas about job prospects, ENSSURE has developed career guidance materials, and piloted them with 800 Grade 11 students – training 16 career advisors and 16 teachers in the process. The materials, comprising a training manual, career dictionary, and information cards, are now being refined for wider use.

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«You can find work even if you are unskilled, but if you have learned some skills, you can do a better job – and life will be easier»

Kalpana Shrestha - 27, returnee from Malaysia

800 young people trained on the job; 2,750 more foreseen

On the job training – OJT – is a key project approach. Short training courses with related learning materials have been developed for seven different occupations, and piloted with 800 youth. In the current second round, 37 training providers are conducting these training courses for a total 2,750 young people. 

A new formal apprenticeship procedure, 200 pilot apprenticeships

Through its close collaboration with the CTEVT, ENSSURE has facilitated the establishment of an Apprentice Committee. This has allowed for Memoranda of Understanding to be signed with CTEVT’s constituent and partner schools - launching apprenticeships for 200 young people. A human resource management company has conducted a pilot survey of selected businesses to facilitate apprenticeship placements with partner industries.
From mid-2017, ENSSURE has also become a part of Joint Monitoring Team overseeing trainings being conducted under a large World Bank project, EVENT II, by the Ministry of Education.

Education and Vocational Skills

Lack of education perpetuates inequality because poor countries cannot compete economically without a skilled workforce.
Contact us

Enhanced Skills for Sustainable and Rewarding Employment
CTEVT Complex

Phone:+ 977 1 66 36 073
E-Mail: enssure.np@helvetas.org