HELVETAS Management board visits the program in Mozambique.

16. August 2024

Joerg Frieden, a member of the Management Board of HELVETAS Switzerland, visited Mozambique from July 29 to August 9 this year to understand the context of the development projects and make recommendations for improving the program within the framework of the new HELVETAS Mozambique Strategy (2022-2026).  Frieden held meetings with various government and private sector partners and beneficiaries of HELVETAS Mozambique projects.

He said he was impressed by the positive impacts of the projects implemented in the areas of Water and Sanitation (WASH), Skills, Employment and Income, as well as the Sustainable Rural Economy Development projects, in the provinces of Cabo Delgado, Nampula and Niassa. During his mission and accompanied by the Director of HELVETAS Mozambique, Juerg Merz, Joerg Frieden had the chance to engage with young entrepreneurs, rural communities, including farmers supported by HELVETAS.

On the end of his visit, Joerg said that Mozambique had shown itself to be an example of success in terms of programmatic localization, characterized by its independence in defining its local action strategy and the empowerment of grassroots organizations and local players to lead development processes.  Among the various recommendations made, the most important is the need for the HELVETAS Mozambique programme to continue to consolidate its contribution to strengthening the private sector; the continued strengthening of exchanges with successful programmes and projects in the organization's priority areas, in particular, promotion of  skills, employment and income generation.