Opening of the kindergarten in Taran-Bazar | © Helvetas
Kyrgyzstan, Suzak district - 21. April 2019

The kindergarten with 75 places opened in the village of Taran-Bazar

© Helvetas

On April 10, 2019 in the village of Taran-Bazar, the grand opening of the renovated building of the Kyzgaldak kindergarten for 75 places was held as part of the Public Service Improvement project, funded by the Government of Switzerland through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and implemented by Helvetas Kyrgyzstan in cooperation with Development Policy Institute.

The opening ceremony was attended by representatives of Helvetas in the Kyrgyz Republic, DPI, representatives of the PSI project, the heads of the Suzak state administration, Suzak education department, and residents of the village of Taran-Bazar.

The total amount of the Service Improvement Action Plan (SIAP) was 2,000,000 soms, of which:

Grant - 800,000 soms,
Own contribution - 1,200,000 soms = 150% of the grant amount.

As part of the implementation of the SIAP, construction was completed and a major overhaul of the kindergarten building was completed. In the building of the kindergarten a heating system and bathrooms were built. Kindergarten is ready to fully work and provide services for 75 children. Currently 67 children have already been adopted. Of these, 46 boys and 21 girls. Among 67 children, 14 children from vulnerable families.

Project leader in Tarana-Bazar village Osmonalieva Nisakan noted: “Since there was no kindergarten in Taran-Bazar, respectively, the provision of education for children of preschool age was not there either. Due to the lack of funds in the local budget, the issues of capital repair of the building and putting it into operation were also postponed. Currently, with the help of the “Public Service Improvement” project, a fully renovated kindergarten “Kyzgaldak” designed for 75 places started its work on accepting children. Currently, 67 children attend the kindergarten, and 17 employees have been provided with jobs. Moreover, privileges from the local budget for 2019 were provided for 14 children from low-income families. The local budget also allocated funds for food, coal during the heating season and for electricity. The parents of the children, in turn, are also actively involved and pay money in a timely manner so that the preschool education service is provided with high quality and remains sustainable.”

The payments for communal services, such as heating, lighting, water supply, as well as meals for children are guaranteed and paid by the AO local budget. More funds are allocated for the technical personnel of preschool institution.

In the process of implementing the SIAP, representatives of the local government were provided with all the necessary information, as well as advisory services and support to improve the capacity to manage sustainable and cost-effective services at the local level.

Pbblic Service Improvement project is funded by the Government of Switzerland through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and is being implemented by Helvetas Kyrgyzstan together with the Development Policy Institute.