The Mountain Travel Festival was held On July 20, 2019, at the foot of Lenin Peak at an altitude of about 3,700 meters above sea level. The event gathered hundreds of tourists and local residents, for whom a fair of goods of local producers and craftsmen was organized. In addition, the program of the event included a concert and sports competitions in Kyrgyz national sports.
The main purpose of the festival was to promote the region as a tourist destination, to get acquainted with the local color and promote domestic goods and services.
“I especially liked the theatrical production about how girls were married before. Locals who are not actors were able to show everything so well that at some point it seemed to me that I am really in that time and I am a part of all this. It was unforgettable,” said Alexiy, a tourist from the USA.
After the concert program, in which, besides theatrical performances, local singers, musicians and dancers performed, all the participants of the festival could take part in sports competitions. It is worth noting that the national sports have aroused genuine interest among the guests of the country. Tourists from Russia, the USA, the Netherlands took an active part in the competitions.
In addition to local residents and tourists, the festival was attended by representatives of tour operators and companies from Russia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Switzerland, who took part in the event in the framework of the info-tour to Alai and Chon-Alai regions.
The festival of mountain tourism was organized by the Kashka-Suu municipality with consulting support from the Bai Alai program, funded by the Government of Switzerland through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by Helvetas Kyrgyzstan together with the Aga Khan Foundation in the Kyrgyz Republic.