Tender: Production and broadcasting of a video
«Bai Alai» - Small Business and Income Creation programme in Alai and Chon-Alai is announcing a tender on production and broadcasting a promotion video on the activities and services of the bee breeding buffer zone of the “Alai Too Aseli” cooperative on local interregional tv channels (Osh, Jalal-Abad and Batken regions)
Location: Alai region of Osh oblast.
Assignment periods: June 01– August 30, 2020.
General tasks
a) Produce 2 videos with the length of 1 and 5 minutes
b) The videos must be in Kyrgyz and Russian with subtitles in English;
c) Filming must be done in Full HD format with using aerial photography, infographics and animations;
d) Field work should be carried out strictly on time, taking into account quarantine measures in Osh Oblast;
e) Broadcast the videos on TV
Application Procedure
Candidates should send the following documents to the following e-mail: Nurgul.Tashtanova@helvetas.org, no later than May 29, 2020.
· Certificate of registration of a legal entity;
· Letter of interest describing the experience of conducting similar tasks;
· CVs of key performers with experience performing similar tasks;
· Provide links to previously performed similar work;
· Detailed budget of expenses including honorarium.
Basic requirements for a potential consultant or potential organization:
- Practical experience in creating similar promotion videos in the field of agriculture for at least 3 years;
- The coverage of the broadcast channel in Osh, Jalal-Abad and Batken regions;
- Experience in working with local non-governmental organizations, international organizations (at least 3 years);
- Registration of a legal entity (LLC or PF)