Tender: Assistance of expert in apiculture, handicraft and tourism sectors for advocacy plans implementation
Location: Alai, Chon Alai
Assignment periods: July 1 until November 30, 2020
Objectives: Provide expert practical support for key partners-beneficiaries of 3 VCs of Bai Alai programme: livestock, apiculture, women's handicrafts and tourism in implementation of advocacy plans developed to address specific problems in each sector.
1. To study the developed advocacy plans for each sector, to make additions, if necessary, to study relevant legal acts regarding problems, identified in the advocacy plans;
2. Develop a support plan for each sector, considering the level of expert support needed and to discuss with partners in each sector, as well as with the project team;
3. Conduct at least 5 working field visits to the group of each sector for practical support at meetings with the local, district and national decision-making/government bodies;
4. If necessary, make changes, additions to advocacy plans after discussion and coordination with partners / beneficiaries;
5. Provide a descriptive report on the work done for the period of July-September and one final report no later than November 20, 2020 with results of the completion of the advocacy plans implementation conclusions in each sector
Expected results:
· Key partners / beneficiaries of three sectors: apiculture, women’s handicraft, tourism practically applied skills to implement the advocacy plans developed;
· At least two of the three advocacy plans completed successfully by the end of the contract;
Application Procedure
Applicants are required to send the following documents to Nurgul.Tashtanova@helvetas.org, no later than June 23, 2020:
List of application documents
• Certificate of registration of legal entity
• A letter of interest describing the experience of similar tasks implementation;
• CVs of key consultants with experience in implementing successful advocacy plans;
• Fee, including logistics costs.
Basic requirements for a potential consultant or potential organization:
- Experience of at least 3 years of development and implementation of advocacy companies, including field work in remote regions;
- Experience of working with local non-governmental organizations, international organizations (at least 3 years);
- Registration of a legal entity;
- Willingness to start the assignment from July 1, 2020
- Experience with Helvetas and / or the Aga Khan Foundation or with other donor organizations is an advantag