Aravan district, Kyrgyzstan - 26. April 2020

Stories of people during the quarantine. Nuskayim Kutmanova

We continue a series of posts "Stories of people during the quarantine". Our next story is from Nuskayim Kutmanova, a doctor of Group of Family Doctors No. 1 of Aravan village, Aravan region.

Nuskayim is not only a doctor, but she is also a loving mother and wife, an active participant of the workshops and events within the Youth United for the Future (YOU) project. She shares with us the impact COVID-19 has on her life and work.

“I remember, when I first heard about the coronavirus outbreak, I was a bit afraid. When you know what a pandemic is, you understand the devastating effects. In early January, we receive instructions from the Ministry of Health to be ready for the fight against the coronavirus.  We immediately realised we had to prepare ourselves to support the people, no matter what.

Of course, it’s scary to work during a pandemic, but we well are equipped because of what we taught about this type of virus outbreaks at university. If you know how to protect yourself and others, you can manage the risks well.

It has definitely an impact on the work of my colleagues and me.  We used to make house calls, but now we sit in our office until late, inform people online through groups in WhatsApp and Facebook, and submit daily reports. Before the pandemic, we were off on Sundays and holidays, but now we work seven days a week.

Recently, the first cases of infection of medical workers were reported. We were shocked when we heard that our colleagues were infected. It is heart breaking, and I hope they recover soon.

Sometimes people ask me if I regret becoming a doctor. I always answer that I absolutely do not. I love my work, and it gives me immense satisfaction to know what I do is helping someone. Even during these difficult times, when the work is dangerous and endless, I do no doubt that this is my calling. I’m lucky that my family is very understanding and supportive, although they are worried. They understand that it’s my job, and I have to do it. When I come home, they always welcome me warmly, saying I must be exhausted. I love them for this.

I would like to urge everyone to observe the rules of quarantine, we have to stay at home. The government will do everything needed. I hope everybody remains safe and will live in peace.  Hopefully, this crisis will end soon."