10. November 2022

Kyrgyzstan celebrates Women's Entrepreneurship Day

Business activity among women remains one of the most effective ways to overcome poverty and promote sustainable socio-economic development of both small communities and entire countries. Successful women's entrepreneurship is a guarantee of an increase in the quality of family life, health indicators and education of children.

On November 7-8, 2022, in the Alai and Chon-Alai regions, national forums were held dedicated to the World Women's Entrepreneurship Day under the slogan “Solidarity. Focus. Result".

The celebrations were organized by the Kurak Women's Forum public association with the support of the Bai Alai project (funded by the Government of Switzerland, implemented by Helvetas in Kyrgyzstan).

More than 200 people from the regional centers Daroot-Korgon and Gulcho took part in the meetings.

In their welcoming speech, Beknazar Bakybekov, deputy akim of the Chon-Alai region, and Islam Ermamatov, head of the Chon-Alai ayil okmotu emphasized the importance of such events for the social life of the regions, as well as for economic development.

Business activity among women remains one of the most effective ways to overcome poverty and promote sustainable socio-economic development of both small communities and entire countries. Successful women's entrepreneurship is a guarantee of an increase in the quality of family life, health indicators and education of children.

In Alai and Chon-Alai regions, there is a public association "Alay ishker ayimdary", which is engaged in the production of home decor items, accessories and souvenirs from wool and felt. The products of Alai craftswomen are sold both in the domestic market and in the European one. For example, the taar fabric, made using the special ikat technique from organic cotton, is supplied to Germany.

“We not only try to make high-quality products, but also leave as little waste as possible by reusing leftover materials,” says Gulmira Bakirova, a resident of the village of Kashka-Suu.

In turn, Dilbar Ashimbayeva, the founder and creative director of the DILBAR fashion house, in her presentation emphasized the uniqueness of the Alay culture and the surrounding nature, which is a source of inspiration when creating the visual style of fashion collections.

As part of the event, various speakers spoke to the participants on topics such as family strengthening, personal development, and a healthy lifestyle. In addition, Tatyana Vorotnikova, a well-known designer from Kyrgyzstan, and Dilbar Ashimbayeva organized a fashion show.

National forums dedicated to the World Women's Entrepreneurship Day have been held in Kyrgyzstan for the eighth year already. In 2022, events are organized in Batken, Osh, Jalal-Abad regions, in the cities of Osh, Bishkek, under the slogan “Solidarity. Focus. Result".


World Women's Entrepreneurship Day is a global initiative supported by the UN since 2014. The key idea of ​​this holiday is to support and develop women's leadership, improve the economic standard of living, as well as the spiritual, personal and professional growth of women and girls. This holiday is celebrated in 144 countries around the world.