Karakol - 30. July 2023

Advancing Cross-Country Skiing in Kyrgyzstan

From July 26th to 28th, a seminar on cross-country skiing took place in Issyk-Kul, organized by the Swiss Project “Sustainable Development of Winter Tourism in Kyrgyzstan”.

The event brought together 25 participants from diverse fields, including the Biathlon Federation of Kyrgyzstan, coaches from Bishkek and Naryn, as well as representatives from state sports schools in Karakol, private entrepreneurs, and activists dedicated to promoting cross-country skiing as a thriving tourist activity.
The seminar featured distinguished speakers Christian Flury, former manager of the Swiss National Cross-Country Skiing Team, and Barbara Flury Mettler, the founder of the Cross-Country Ski School in Davos, a seasoned Swiss cross-country skier, and a two-time Olympian. Both shared their invaluable experiences and insights about the successful development of cross-country skiing in Switzerland with the seminar participants.
During his presentation titled "Experience and Perspectives for the Development of Cross-Country Skiing in Kyrgyzstan," Christian Flury discussed his observations from his mission during the winter of 2023 and provided thoughtful recommendations for advancing this sport and recreational activity in various regions of Kyrgyzstan. He stressed the significance of meticulous trail preparation and the essential skiing equipment as the cornerstone of cross-country skiing's growth and appeal.
The participants also engaged in constructive discussions about the necessity of establishing an official national coaching and athlete training methodology that aligns with international standards, with the invaluable technical support from Swiss trainers. The seminar offered an exceptional platform for coaches to exchange experiences and insights regarding the advancement of cross-country skiing in their respective regions and professional domains. Additionally, they deliberated on potential strategies and initiatives to popularize this invigorating form of recreation and sport among the wider population.
One of the standout highlights of the seminar was a collaborative practical training session on cross-country skiing, featuring a demonstration of roller skiing - specialized equipment used for summer training. The experts shared best practices in working with beginner groups, and the participants had the opportunity to hone their roller skiing skills under the expert guidance.
The seminar marks a significant milestone in the advancement of cross-country skiing in Kyrgyzstan, and we are confident that the newly acquired knowledge and experiences will pave the way for exhilarating and captivating winter offerings that will delight all enthusiasts of this invigorating winter sport and recreational activity!